Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Take the good with the bad...

So, after a night of listening to drunk people racing their scooters and singing drunken French songs just outside my window, I got up to prepare for my Le Pitch filming for ShortsTV.  Very odd.  You know when you think you are prepared, but you don't get the response you thought you'd get?  Yeah, well that pretty much sums it up.  Understandably, because I am in France, the excitement seemed to be saved for French writers and directors.  Whatta ya gonna do?  Well, I went and got a croissant, and started my work for the day.  Funny how the sting of a lukewarm reception can be eased with a lovely pastry.

Today, I will be working to target the foreign sales agents and distributors for short films. In Europe, short films are truly respected as an art form, and they have many outlets to market them and share them with a viewing public.

I saw a couple of well done productions in The Short Film Corner yesterday--The Coup De Grace was my fave.  Today I am going to see one called Le Quota, which poses the question, "Is France racist?"  It is supposed to be a thought-provoking piece.  It is definitely an interesting component of this film market.

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